What is a Collapsed Disc?

Our backs are significant to our everyday movements and protect essential body systems. They allow us to perform specific actions like walking and maintaining flexibility, but the back also houses our spinal cord. It is necessary to protect the spinal cord as this is a significant part of the central nervous system and the brain. Thirty-three stacked vertebrae line the back from the neck to the tail. In between each of these vertebrae are cushions called discs. Our discs protect the vertebrae and prevent them from rubbing against one another. These discs are under a tremendous amount of pressure. Due to trauma or wear over time, our discs can collapse. A collapsed disc is known as a decrease in the height of the disc. This collapse leads to significant pain caused by the pressure put on the nerves in the back. It is excruciating, but our team at Orthopedic SpineCare of Long Island is here to help! Our Back and Spine Pain Specialists in Huntington, NY, are experienced and trained to help relieve your pain and get you feeling better!

SymptomsBack and Spine Pain Specialists in Huntington, NY

Unfortunately, collapsed discs can be very painful and can tremendously interfere with your daily life and activities. It is essential to be on the lookout for the following symptoms if you think you might have a collapsed disc:

  • Numbness: since your back houses the spinal cord, it is susceptible to nerve issues like numbness. If a disc is shrinking, there can be excess pressure on the nerves within the back. This can lead to the feeling of numbness that travels to areas such as your legs. 
  • Back Pain: if you are continuing to experience back pain that will not go away, there is a strong possibility that you could have a collapsed disc. Again, this is either caused by trauma or aging over time. If you have had an injury to the back and have pain, it may be time to see a doctor. 

It is vital to take back pain seriously, leading to extreme outcomes such as paralysis. If you think you have a collapsed disc, see our Back and Spine Pain Specialists in Huntington, NY!

Contact Our Back and Spine Pain Specialists in Huntington, NY

Orthopedic SpineCare of Long Island has been taking care of back pain for many years! We want to help ensure you live pain-free and continue to do your daily activities. We recommend that you make an appointment with our Back and Spine Pain Specialists in Huntington, NY, to get back to feeling like yourself! Contact us today to make an appointment!

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