Benefits & Risks of Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

One of the most common causes of disability worldwide is low back pain. This may impede activity and impact one’s job and life. Numerous factors can lead to intense back discomforts, such as deteriorated discs, known as spondylosis, instability, disc herniation, and arthritis of the spine’s joints. A worn-out or damaged disc in the low back that has become painful and incapacitating may be removed and replaced through disk replacement surgery, also known as artificial disc replacement. At Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, we offer disc replacement surgery with the best spine surgeons on Long Island to help our patients feel relieved of their back issues. Continue reading below to learn about the benefits and risks of artificial disc replacement surgery.

Benefits of The SurgeryBest Spine Surgeons On Long Island

  • Get rid of the damaged disc.
  • Regain the standard disc height,
  • reduce back discomfort caused by discs
  • protect the afflicted spinal segment’s range of motion.
  • Improve patient performance

Artificial disc technology may offer advantages over other types of spinal surgery, such as speedier recovery times, increased spine mobility following surgery, reduced pressure on nearby discs, and a lack of necessity for bone graft harvesting and use.

Risks of The Surgery

The effectiveness of artificial lumbar disc surgery is still up for dispute. The longevity of these implants is an issue. The artificial disc has slipped out of place in several documented cases for unknown reasons, which is a serious cause for worry. In addition to dislocation or migration, the metal’s long-term wear is a concern. Below are the risks to consider:

  • Further surgery is necessary to remove or replace the implant.
  • Allergy to the components in the implants
  • Bleeding or issues with the blood vessels
  • Implants that flex, fracture, loosen, or shift
  • Issues with incisions, such as infection
  • Sexual dysfunction in men
  • Any discomfort or pain

OSCLI | Best Spine Surgeons On Long Island

At Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, the best spine surgeons on Long Island have helped many patients improve their conditions. Artificial disc replacement surgeries have numerous benefits, and you can start your journey today! We’ll evaluate the risks and choose the safest course for your recovery goals. For more information, contact us today!

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