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Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

Pain, whether chronic or acute, can be anything from a minor nuisance to a major debilitating condition.  Determining the root causes of pain can be difficult, but starting proper treatment and improving quality of life is necessary.  Here at Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, we have the tools, experience, and commitment to help you understand the cause of your pain, determine the proper course of action for treatment, and begin living a better, happier, more pain-free life. Our clinic has a comprehensive, state-of-the-art array of treatments that can assist you in leading a life free of debilitating or even irritating pain.  Contact our team today for more information on Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY.

In Need of Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY?

    Spine Conditions & Treatment Options

    The spine is an incredibly complex and vital human body part. It acts as the body’s main support structure and a neural pathway. Nerves in all parts of your body are connected back to the brain via the spinal cord. Because of this, spinal issues can be incredibly detrimental to your quality of life. Many spinal conditions can lead to pain in the spine and nerves in other parts of your body. If you are suffering from a spine condition and are looking for Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY, contact us at Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island. Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

    Common Spine Conditions

    • Herniated Disc: This occurs when a disc that forms on your spine is damaged and breaks open. Symptoms can include numbness of a particular limb or part of the body, but there are sometimes no symptoms at all. 
    • Scoliosis: Everyone’s spine has a curve, but some spines have far too large curves, curving in shape like the letter “S” or “C.” This condition can result in pain, weakness, and numbness. 

    These and some others are common spine conditions that may require surgery to alleviate. At Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, our specialists can examine and diagnose your condition and propose and plan various possible treatment options. Contact us to request an appointment for pain relief if you’re looking for Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY.

    Spine Condition Treatments

    Spine conditions can be treated in many ways, not all being surgery. Many spine treatments are non-invasive or only minorly invasive. Treatments ranging from physical therapy to anti-inflammatory medication to simple exercise have been shown to sometimes drastically impact spine conditions. However, sometimes surgery of some kind is needed. At Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, we understand that surgery is a big decision, so we offer both invasive and minimally invasive treatment options that can depend on the severity of the spine condition.  Invasive surgeries such as Spinal Fusion, where the surgeon removes a spinal disc and fuses the surrounding vertebrae, can take time to recover from and are only used when necessary. However, minimally invasive surgeries often do not take nearly as long to recover from. 

    Contact Us For Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

    Long Island Orthopedic Spine Care will work with you to determine the best treatment. Contact us to discuss the best treatment option if you’re looking for Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY.

    What are PRP Injections?

    PRP injections are all the rage in the professional sports world, and they work to help heal injuries. PRP shots are created from the patient’s blood and are starting to be used by doctors for many reasons. Sports injuries, post-surgery recovery, and even cosmetic enhancement like wrinkle reduction are just a few conditions PRP injections that have been used for. What exactly are PRP injections? Here is all the information you need on PRP injections thanks to our experts at Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island, Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY:   

    PRP Injection Contents:Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

    PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood that contains red and white blood cells and platelets. Plasma consists of mostly water and proteins. Platelets, or thrombocytes, are the blood cells responsible for clotting that stops wounds from bleeding and aiding the healing process. PRP injections consist of a vial of blood drawn from an individual that has been processed through a machine that separates the different components of the blood and leaves a concentration of platelet-rich plasma. 

    PRP Injection Uses:

    Studies have proven that PRP injections can expedite the healing process for several injuries, minimize pain, and increase mobility in the injected area. These injuries include but are not limited to:

    • Torn tendons.
    • Tendonitis.
    • Muscle injuries.
    • Joint/Arthritis pain.
    • Pain Management
    • Chronic Pain
    • Neck Pain

    PRP injections have also proven to be effective against hair loss for those experiencing patterned baldness. PRP injections are becoming more commonly used for cosmetic procedures, yet concrete studies that prove their effectiveness against signs of aging like wrinkles and saggy skin are lacking. However, these injections are not for everyone. Certain medications, vitamins, and supplements can negatively interfere with these shots. Only through consultation with a licensed doctor should one ever consider receiving a PRP injection.

    Contact OSCLI: Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY!

    Get all the necessary information on PRP injections and find out if and how they could help you and your injury! Our doctors are available to diagnose and create treatment options for your ailments. Contact our experts at Orthopedic Spine Care of Long Island Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY, for PRP injection inquiries today!

    What is a Collapsed Disc?

    Our backs are significant to our everyday movements and protect essential body systems. They allow us to perform specific actions like walking and maintaining flexibility, but the back also houses our spinal cord. It is necessary to protect the spinal cord as this is a significant part of the central nervous system and the brain. Thirty-three stacked vertebrae line the back from the neck to the tail. In between each of these vertebrae are cushions called discs. Our discs protect the vertebrae and prevent them from rubbing against one another. These discs are under a tremendous amount of pressure. Due to trauma or wear over time, our discs can collapse. A collapsed disc is known as a decrease in the height of the disc. This collapse leads to significant pain caused by the pressure put on the nerves in the back. It is excruciating, but our Orthopedic SpineCare of Long Island team is here to help! Our Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY, are experienced and trained to help relieve your pain and get you feeling better!

    SymptomsTrigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

    Unfortunately, collapsed discs can be very painful and can tremendously interfere with your daily life and activities. It is essential to be on the lookout for the following symptoms if you think you might have a collapsed disc:

    • Numbness: since your back houses the spinal cord, it is susceptible to nerve tissue issues like numbness. If a disc is shrinking, excess pressure can be on the nerves within the back. This can lead to the feeling of numbness that travels to areas such as your legs. 
    • Back Pain: if you are continuing to experience back pain that will not go away, there is a strong possibility that you could have a collapsed disc. Again, this is either caused by trauma or aging over time. If you have had a pain injury to the lower back, it may be time to see a doctor. 

    It is vital to take back pain seriously, leading to extreme outcomes such as paralysis. If you think you have a collapsed disc, see our Trigger Point Injections at our office in Huntington NY!

    Contact Our Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY

    Orthopedic SpineCare of Long Island has been taking care of back pain for many years! We want to help ensure you live pain-free and continue to do your daily activities. We recommend that you make an appointment with our Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY, to get back to feeling like yourself! Contact us today to make an appointment!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • What Are Trigger Point Injections?
      • Trigger point injections are a medical treatment for muscle pain and tension. A small needle is inserted into a trigger point, which is a knot of muscle that can cause pain and discomfort. The injection contains a local anesthetic and/or steroid, which can help relax the muscle and alleviate pain.
    • How Are Trigger Point Injections Administered?
      • Trigger-point injections are typically administered by a healthcare professional in an outpatient setting. The patient will be positioned in a way that allows the healthcare professional to easily access the trigger point, and a small needle will be inserted into the knot of the muscle. The injection will be administered, and the needle will be removed. Request an appointment for Trigger Point Injections in Huntington NY today!
    • What Conditions Can Trigger Point Injections Treat?
      • Trigger point injections can treat various conditions, including chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, and neck and back pain. They can also be used to treat muscle pain and tension caused by overuse or injury.
    • Are Trigger Point Injections Painful?
      • The injection itself may cause some discomfort, but many patients feel relief from pain and tension shortly after administering the injection. The healthcare professional may use a local anesthetic to numb the area before administering the injection, which can help minimize any pain or discomfort.
    • How Long Does it Take For Trigger Point Injections To Work?
      • The length of time it takes for trigger point injections to work can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Some patients report feeling relief immediately after the injection, while others may require a series of injections over time to experience the full benefits. It is important to follow up with your healthcare professional to monitor your progress and determine the best course of treatment for you.
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